Ron Mullen Equipment is a trusted for cleaning, servicing and supplying industrial fans. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, we take care of everything from free surveys and installations to repairs and maintenance. Contact us for a free quote.
Heavy-duty industrial fans
in Craigavon
Do you need industrial fans for your food processing unit? Contact Ron Mullen Equipment
for a viariety of options.
Industrial fan servicing experts

24-hour service and flexible working hours
If your business involves catering, food processing or commercial kitchen related activities, then you’d like to minimise downtime as much as possible. Keeping this in mind, our team is available 24 hours a day to ensure that your business suffers the least impact due to any equipment malfunction or downtime. We can schedule our cleaning, installation and maintenance services according to your convenience.

In addition to industrial fans, we also offer:
- Stainless steel canopies
- Tables
- Shelving
- Sinks
- Commercial kitchen cleaning
- Cupboards and sheeting for walls
- Bottled gas supply

24-hour service and flexible working hours
Our many customers include hotels, takeaways, restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, food processing units, factories, chippys, fast food outlets, sandwich shops, canteens and commercial kitchens. Our prices are highly competitive and services are second to none. Based in Craigavon, we also subcontract to shop fitters across Ireland.